Shrinkage-compensated and high-performance cementitious (HPC) grout with advanced nano-engineered technology for offshore structures
SikaGrout®-9610 is a ready-to-use, shrinkage-compensated, homogeneous, flowable, and pumpable high-performance cementitious (HPC) grout for offshore structures. Incorporating advanced nano-engineered binder technology with a blend of Portland, pozzolan, and special cements, SikaGrout®-9610 achieves superior technical performance and exceptional rheological properties. Anti-washout properties and low water permeability make this grout particularly effective for offshore structure grouting and other demanding applications involving narrow constrictions and complex filling needs.
- Good flowability
- High early strength
- Shrinkage compensated
- No segregation or bleeding to ensure consistent final physical performance
- Wide range of application between 2 to 40oC without special precautions
- Volume stable
Areas of Application
SikaGrout®-9610 has been especially formulated for large scale, pump applications.- Grouting of pile-sleeve connections of offshore jacket foundations
- Grouting of mooring and berthing dolphins for marine terminals
- Grouting of piled pier and jetty structures
- Good flowability
- High early strength
- Shrinkage compensated
- No segregation or bleeding to ensure consistent final physical performance
- Wide range of application between 2 to 40oC without special precautions
- Volume stable
Product Details
Shelf life
12 months from date of production
Storage conditions
Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions away from direct sunlight and heat, not exceeding 40 oC. When stored under high temperature and high humidity conditions, the shelf life may be reduced.
2.27 - 2.33 ton/m3 | (EN 12390-7) |
Total chloride ion content
< 0.01 %
Compressive strength
Age | N/mm2 |
1 day | > 35 |
3 days | > 55 |
7 days | > 60 |
28 days | > 80 |
91 days | > 85 |
40 x 40 x 160 mm prisms, at 25 oC
Age | At 25 oC (N/mm2) | At 30 oC (N/mm2) |
1 day | > 35 | > 40 |
3 days | > 55 | > 65 |
7 days | > 60 | > 70 |
28 days | > 80 | > 85 |
91 days | > 85 | > 90 |
50 mm & 75 mm cubes results
Modulus of elasticity in compression
> 30.000 N/mm2 | (EN 12390-13) |
Poisson's ratio:
0.20 | (ASTM C469) |
> 11.0 N/mm2 | (EN 1015-11) |
Tensile strength
> 6.0 N/mm2 | (ASTM C307) |
< 0.015 % | at 91 days |
0 % (No bleeding) | (ASTM C940) |
Mixing ratio
13.8 to 15.3 % water / powder ratio
Layer thickness
25 - 600 mm
Material temperature
2 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Ambient air temperature
2 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Substrate temperature
2 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Pot Life
3 hours
Flow table | 270 - 330 mm |
Flow channel | > 550 |
Setting time
Initial | Final |
7 hours | 9.5 hours |
Approximately 500 liters per ton material
SikaGrout®-9610 has been especially formulated for use in specific applications. As such SikaGrout®-9610 should be installed by experienced fully trained contractors.
Sands or other products that could affect the products properties must not be added.
Mixer type | Paddle mixer |
Mixing time | Approximately 5 minutes |
Application method | One continuous pour |
SikaGrout®-9610 must be mixed using suitable grout mixing equipment combined with agitator for continuous large volume mixing. Volume capacity of equipment must be applicable to the volume of material being mixed for a continuous operation. Equipment trials must be considered to ensure product can be mixed satisfactory before full project application. Put most of the water required in the mixer and add slowly the grout material. Mix until a homogeneous mortar (2 to 3 minutes), add the remaining water and continue mixing for at least another 2 minutes until the required fluid or flowable consistency is obtained. Mix with potable water only. Do not add more water than the maximum specified.
Tools and spillages can be cleaned with water while SikaGrout®-9610 is still uncured. Once hardened, the material can only be removed mechanically.