
Shrinkage-compensated and high-performance cementitious (HPC) grout with advanced nano-engineered technology for offshore structures

SikaGrout®-9610 is a ready-to-use, shrinkage-compensated, homogeneous, flowable, and pumpable high-performance cementitious (HPC) grout for offshore structures. Incorporating advanced nano-engineered binder technology with a blend of Portland, pozzolan, and special cements, SikaGrout®-9610 achieves superior technical performance and exceptional rheological properties. Anti-washout properties and low water permeability make this grout particularly effective for offshore structure grouting and other demanding applications involving narrow constrictions and complex filling needs.

  • Good flowability
  • High early strength
  • Shrinkage compensated
  • No segregation or bleeding to ensure consistent final physical performance
  • Wide range of application between 2 to 40oC without special precautions
  • Volume stable