Sika's adhesives, sealants and coatings solutions for the efficient assembly of buses and coaches

How can we help you?


Sikaflex® sealing and bonding solutions have long-lasting history in the bus and coach market. As your trusted partner, we address your sealing, bonding, and protecting needs.

Bus and Coach manufacturers operate in  a challenging environment

For almost three decades, Sika has been supporting its customers in the global bus and coach industry. Owners and operators require lower vehicle running and repair costs and improved reliability and durability. Additionally, government regulations demand lower vehicle emissions, safer process materials, and improved passenger and driver safety. Sika provides solutions to the bus and coach market that are designed to meet our customer's needs. Our range of solutions extends from our highly elastic Sikaflex® polyurethanes our structural SikaForce® and SikaPower® solutions. As a major supplier and trusted partner to the global transportation industry, Sika is committed to providing a vast range of state-of-the-art solutions to assist manufacturers in addressing their challenges.


Rely on Sika for the outstanding performance of your commercial transportation vehicles. 



Sika Solutions for Bus and Coach

Bus and coach manufacturers must meet the challenging demands and new regulations regarding environmental health, safety, and crash-resistance performance. At the same time, the vehicles must become lighter to increase the range for buses with an electric power train. While quality does plays a key role, it is also important for bus and coach manufacturers to be mindful of manufacturing costs in order to maintain competitiveness and success. Therefore, our focus has been on process optimization to increase through put, reduce the risk of mistakes, and increase capacity where required. Sika provides advice andsolutions on how to achieve these goals with various tailored systems.

Body Structure Sealing

Sikaflex® sealant solutions are easy-to-use one-component formulations that provide excellent tooling properties and can substantially reduce the risk of corrosion, water ingress, and standing water. SikaPower® sealing solutions are warm-applied heat-curing products with an epoxy/polyurethane base. They combine durability and strength with the flexibility of polyurethane elastomers.

Floor Bonding / Side Panel Bonding / Roof Bonding

Sikaflex® polyurethane adhesives provide a high-performance, elastic assembly with easy-to-use one-component formulations. Sikaflex® STP technology offers the attributes of Sikaflex® polyurethanes combined with reduced substrate preparation and improved ecology. SikaBooster® and PowerCure technology offer rapid curing speed, and SikaForce® two-component polyurethanes combine high strength with the necessary flexibility.

Front and Rear Mask / Interior Trim

Many thermoset composite parts like masks, toilet modules, or other interior trims consist of different components bonded together. Often this is required to reinforce vehicle parts. Sika's structural polyurethane and epoxy adhesives integrate well with your process requirements. From automation to high cure speed while maintaining enough handling time, SikaForce® and SikaPower® structural adhesives help you increase your production output.

Luggage Door and Hatch Bonding

Luggage door and hatch bonding represent a potential bottleneck due to relatively high output requirements. Therefore, fast curing and easy-to-use adhesives are required. Sika offers different solutions that meet manufacturing demands and substrates. SikaFast® products offer fast curing and can be used on bare metals. SikaForce® and accelerated Sikaflex® solutions can be used for painted metals.

Glass Assembly

Sika offers a wide range of adhesive solutions for the assembly of windshields and side window glasses. The manual installation requires adequate installation time but decent curing speed. The Sikaflex® glass bonding solutions are suitable for OEM installation as well as for maintenance and repair shops. Easy handling and fast curing are a must. Our Sikaflex® Booster and PowerCure Technology cover all aspects of a smooth and quick application. The warm applied Sikaflex® products provide high instant grab and allow short cycle times.

Interior and Exterior Sealing

Numerous areas inside and outside of a bus or coach require protection from standing water or water and dust ingress. Sikaflex® sealing solutions meet the high demands in terms of the weathering resistance. Therefore, bus customers rely on resistant and durable Sikaflex® polyurethane sealants for exterior joints and backfill applications. The latest silane terminated polymers (STP) adhesive sealants from Sika are not only isocyanate-free but also contain no phthalates.

Fire Protection Coatings

Sikagard® fire-resistant products stop the spread of fire and increase the evacuation time for passengers. They are also used in batteries of e-vehicles to increase passenger protection in the event of a failure in battery cells, arrays, and even the complete module itself. Further, Sikagard® intumescent coating products are proven throughout other industry applications when activated by heat serving to contain and delay fire spread by increasing in volume and decreasing in density, thus contributing to longer occupant exit time in the event of danger.

Solutions for Buses with an Electric Powertrain

Sika enables the accelerating trend of electric operating powertrains; our solutions include intumescent fire protective coatings Sikagard®, thermal conductive SikaForce® adhesives, SikaBiresin® thermal gap fillers, dielectric potting and encapsulation systems, plus Sikaflex® bonding and sealing solutions for battery enclosure assembly.

Fire Protection

Bus and coach manufacturers must comply with ECE R-118 approved process materials. Thus, to avoid high flammability, spread of flame, and ensure sufficient time for evacuation. Sika offers a range of Sikaflex®, SikaForce®, and SikaPower® sealants and adhesive bonding that meet this European fire standard. Unique solutions like Sikagard® intumescent coatings support vehicle integrity and fire resistance.

Bus and coach manufacturers must comply with ECE R-118 approved process materials. Thus, to avoid high flammability, spread of flame, and ensure sufficient time for evacuation. Sika offers a range of Sikaflex®, SikaForce®, and SikaPower® sealants and adhesive bonding that meet this European fire standard. Unique solutions like Sikagard® intumescent coatings support vehicle integrity and fire resistance.

Fire drawing